Training plans serve many objectives for people and you can follow one to bring purpose, satisfaction and improvement to your running life. They are typically designed for races but you don’t need a race to follow a good training plan. Races don’t have to dictate your schedule.

I have designed numerous running plans for people from finishing a first 5K to running a sub 3 hour marathon. No matter what the experience of the runner, weekly mileage level or intensity of the workouts, all plans have two main things in common and sometimes both. They are designed in a manner that will enable you to train to run longer or indeed run faster and often a combination of both.

All plans are tailored to suit the needs of the individual and their lifestyle. Each training plan provides a framework that gives people the confidence to maximize their running ability and potential. The plan details all of your runs and rest days for a specific period of time e.g. eight weeks.

There are four simple ingredients that make up the variety of different plans namely the easy run, the tempo run, interval sessions and the traditional long run each week. A combination of the sessions will provide you with the platform to run faster and also accommodate running for longer. Each session serves a purpose whether it’s trying to improve your speed, improve aerobic capacity or recover in between sessions.

Training plans serve numerous other purposes like reducing the risk of overtraining which can result in injury, improve running economy, enhances self-confidence and boosts health in the process. People tend to enjoy their running more due to the variety of the sessions and the structure over an extended period of time.

Pricing for Training Plans

Consultation over the phone with a training plan for 8 weeks is €50. 

I have learnt how to warm up and cool down properly with the correct stretches. I have discovered that there are many different ways to train and to improve my technique, strength and endurance among other things. The classes help to focus my mind and to push that bit harder whilst also meeting new people who help to encourage and motivate you.

– SF

I use to feel intimidated by large groups of people when I was running previously. I have overcome this by participating in this class with my new running friends. The workouts are great and the variety within the class has only heightened my interest in running over the past two years. I am now running distances that I never thought possible and I am no longer anxious about registering for races or events.


One of the biggest things with the running class is the new friendships you make whilst also enjoying the great outdoors. This helps boost your mood and mental wellbeing while also helping to improve your physical fitness. The class helps me to achieve my goals by giving me the confidence to compete in events across a variety of distances. This has enhanced my experience of running and boost my performance.


My running has really taken off in recent months because of the knowledge I have gained within the class and also by testing myself against other runners within the group. I now know how to train properly particularly when it comes to training hard and easy. I have suffered with a lot of injuries down through the years due to a lack of knowledge and understanding how to train properly. These have reduced greatly in recent months and my enjoyment of running has soared accordingly.