Exercise is one of the most important aspects of a child’s life and this has only become more evident with the current pandemic and the loss of sport. The enhancement of physical and mental development is certainly the most important contribution of sports for children. By playing sports and engaging in play children develop physical skills, exercise, make new friends, have fun, learn to be a team member, discipline, learn about fair play and improve self-esteem among other things. Essentially it’s all about fun and making it more enjoyable for kids so that they develop this habit throughout their lifetime.


Exercise, like food, is a fundamental part of a child’s physical growth. I provide classes like Pilates for children which is a body conditioning routine that helps to build strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. Children need to be flexible to perform a range of physical activities to help keep their muscles and tendons limber. It focuses on posture which facilitates concentration that will help to boost performance in both academic and sports settings. The controlled movements in Pilates help to improve blood circulation and strengthen the body’s core muscles.

Another popular class is Children’s Outdoor Play which helps develop learning abilities and obviously build physical fitness. Children are spending more and more time indoors and on devices which in turn is having a negative impact on their health and development. By engaging in outdoor play children are learning to develop new skills, become creative, develop social skills and improve both physical and mental health.

Giving children the freedom of playing outdoors helps them to feel happier and calmer. The freedom of outdoor play also encourages children to get rid of built up energy and thus become calmer and more focused in the classroom. This is all facilitated through the use of numerous different outdoor activities and with the use of different types of equipment.