If you speak to any runner, they will all tell you the same thing, the one thing they want to achieve is to be a better runner. With the new year on the horizon, it’s the perfect time for many of us to set new goals. Whether you’re looking to set a 5km PB, increase the amount you run each week, start running, or run your first half-marathon, it’s good to set goals. 

Setting goals not only holds you accountable, and gives you something to aim for, but it’s also been proven that those who set goals are 10 times more likely to achieve them than those who don’t!

In this article, we’ve outlined some of the steps you can take to set you up for success in 2022 with some of the most popular resolutions that runners have.  

Start running

Running is one of the best exercises you can do. It’s free, can be done anywhere, and helps to drastically reduce your chances of serious cardiovascular problems later in life. Running regularly, even at a moderate pace can improve your overall health, but for many people getting started is the hardest part. 

If your goal in 2022 is to start running regularly, one great way to do this is by following a running plan. A training plan, such as couch to 5k details all your runs and rest days for a set amount of time, and within the plan your run will be split into a variety of small, manageable chunks such as running, jogging, and walking. 

A running plan is a great way to keep you motivated and stick to your new year’s resolution of running regularly. The fantastic thing about it is that it doesn’t have to be followed religiously either – you can make your plan fit into your lifestyle so you don’t feel guilty if you can’t run on a given day! 

Run your first race

A goal for many beginner runners, once ticking off their first 5km park run is to enter a race such as a 10km or half marathon. Both are difficult but attainable challenges if you allow yourself plenty of time to train. With a variety of running plans available, and apps or smartwatches to help you keep an eye on your progress, running your first race has never been easier. If you’re nervous, we always recommend running with someone else or joining a running group to help you increase your speed, distance and to perfect your running technique. 

new year running improve speed

Improve your speed

If your goal in 2022 is to improve your speed, you’re not alone. And whilst it might feel like a daunting task, there are plenty of things you can do to achieve a quicker pace including joining a running group.

Running groups aren’t only a great way to meet like-minded people, they’re a great way to challenge yourself on runs you may not have ordinarily considered and keep you accountable. Most running groups will do a combination of speed work, hill sprints and longer distance runs to help you improve the strength in your legs and your overall speed.

Work on your weaknesses

Talk to any runner and there’s always one nemesis they have when they’re training. Whether it’s hill sprints, speed work, or long runs it’s human nature to shy away from the things we’re not so good at. By making a conscious effort in 2022 to work on your weaknesses, you will not only become a better, stronger runner, but you’ll also grow to love the things you once hated…we promise! 

Take time out to stretch and see a physio

As a runner, you use your full body every time you head out and start pounding the pavements, so you need to make sure you’re taking good care of it. Most runners only see a physiotherapist when they’re injured but that doesn’t always have to be the case.

Seeing a physiotherapist regularly is great as a preventative measure and will not only ensure your body is in top physical condition, but it will also make you a better runner as you won’t suffer from pain points. Although physiotherapy can be an additional cost, if you’re serious about running and becoming a better runner, it’s a worthwhile investment.

A physio will not only assess whether you have any tight areas or weak areas, but they will also give you exercises to help improve your running.